Dr. Carpet Plus Spot & Stain Remover

Dr. Carpet Plus Spot & Stain Remover

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The Renegade Detailer Series Dr. Carpet Plus Spot & Stain Remover is a safe, yet powerful spot remover that easily removes the toughest stains almost instantly. It's non-toxic and non-flammable. It's designed to deep clean all modern fabrics, even velour. It is safe for all interior surfaces, including plastic.

How Do I Use Dr. Carpet Plus Spot & Stain Remover?

Step 1
Spray Dr. Carpet Plus Spot and Stain Remover onto a Horse Hair Interior Upholstery Brush and gently agitate on the surface.

Step 2
If needed, remove excess product with a Premium Microfiber Towel.

16 Oz. bottles of Dr. Carpet Plus Spot & Stain Remover come ready to use. Larger quantities should be diluted at a ratio of 1:1